The average house price on HARTWELL ROAD is £144,909
The most expensive house in the street is 6 HARTWELL ROAD with an estimated value of £178,723
The cheapest house in the street is 45 HARTWELL ROAD with an estimated value of £108,414
The house which was most recently sold was 6 HARTWELL ROAD, this sold on 26 Aug 2016 for £133,250
The postcode for HARTWELL ROAD is LS6 1PE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
6 HARTWELL ROAD Terraced , 86 m2 £178,723 £133,250 26 Aug 2016
10 HARTWELL ROAD Terraced , 75 m2 £169,363 £50,000 1 Jul 2001
25 HARTWELL ROAD Semi-Detached , 82 m2 £123,137 £80,000 31 Jul 2014
45 HARTWELL ROAD Flats/Maisonettes , 63 m2 £108,414 £71,500 11 Sep 2014